6 Benefits
of Booking with THS

With a legacy dating back to 1998, THS has consistently elevated the standards of tournament travel. Our unwavering commitment to excellence, combined with state-of-the-art technology, ensures that teams and parents are provided with a smooth, hassle-free hotel booking experience.

  • Real-Time City-Wide
    Hotel Availability.

    Streamlining the process of identifying the perfect hotel to meet your team's needs.

  • Lowest Rate

    Premium accommodations at unbeatable rates.

  • Flexible Cancellation
    & Change Policies.

    Embrace flexibility with our accommodating booking terms & conditions.

  • No Hidden
    Booking Fees.

    With THS, transparency is a guarantee. Expect clear pricing without any hidden surprises.

  • Team-Friendly Group Block Tools.

    User-friendly tools for effortless group bookings.

  • Day of Arrival
    & Post-Event Support.

    From your arrival to post-event, our dedicated team is here to ensure a seamless experience.

Customer Support

At THS, our steadfast commitment to providing exceptional customer support is at the heart of everything we do. Placing your trust in THS to seamlessly manage your hotel booking and accommodations is a responsibility we hold in the highest regard. To ensure this trust is well-placed, we've assembled a knowledgeable and caring in-house support team that consistently refines their expertise through specialized training. We eagerly await the opportunity to showcase this commitment to you and all of the teams traveling to Salt City Sports.